IPL hair removal - What does it entail?

There was a time intense pulsed light (IPL) hair removal was a secret trend among few salon professionals. Today, IPL is one of the most popular hair removal solutions in the beauty industry. Once you’ve had the treatment it can be hard to even imagine what it would be like to go back to the hassle of shaving every few days.

If you’ve been looking at treatment options for permanent hair removal, you have most likely stumbled over IPL and wondered how it works to remove your unwanted hair for good. Does IPL work, does it hurt or cause pain and why should I be considering it to remove my hair? 

Here is everything you need to know about IPL and why you should be speaking to your certified technician about your last best hair removal treatment!

What is IPL?

IPL Hair removal treatment is the process of exposing intense light energy to the root of the hair follicle. The light is absorbed into the dark pigment of hair which damages the follicle and reduces its chance of reproducing. The process of IPL treatment will destroy the hair root which in time can prevent, minimise or totally stop the hair to regrow. 

How does IPL work? 

IPL work through emitting multiple wavelengths of light to scatter the into the skin. The same way the light is attracted to black cars or clothing when the intense wavelength of light is placed to the skin, it targets and is absorbed by all hair with dark pigment. The heat impact on the follicle kills the growing cells that create dark hair. 

Is IPL hair removal safe? 

IPL Hair removal is widely used and considered very safe. 

IPL has been used by women and men for years and has proven a safe and effective method of hair removal and also other skin treatments.  Safe practice around infrared light is considered through technicians and clients both wearing protective glasses over the eyes. 

It is advised after IPL treatment that the client does not expose the area for sun tanning for a few weeks before and after treatment. If you are using strong medication such as Roaccutane, are pregnant or have any medical conditions like epilepsy, it is best to avoid IPL treatment. 

Does IPL hurt?

In short, IPL does not hurt. IPL is considered gentle and one of the less painful methods of hair removal. The experience can be described as a warm sensation upon each flash of light. Depending on the area you are treating, this feeling can be also described like the popping of a rubber band on the skin.

The technology uses light heat directly to the skin and unlike laser hair removal, offers a broad choice on interchangeable filters that allows the treatment to be conducted for multiple conditions other than hair removal. By consulting with a certified IPL technician, you can ensure the appropriate filter is matched to your individual chromophore (the dark pigment in your skin and hair).

How long will it take to see results from IPL sessions? 

Generally, IPL results can be noticed after 1-2 weeks after your first treatment. The day you visit a certified technician for your IPL hair removal treatment, your current hair cycle is killed by the IPL light. Depending on the body part that has been treated, results become clearly reduced between 6-12 treatments.