Does Microneedling Help Reduce Signs of Aging?

Aging: It gracefully occurs for some and intensely arises for others. Either way, aging is something we cannot avoid but thankfully, there are many tips to reduce the signs of aging when we start to see it most.

With age comes a decline of collagen production leading to fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and dull complexion. Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. While it cannot totally halt natures plan as you age, microneedling will help tackle the signs of aging so you can age gracefully.

Microneedling is not an instant fix and often takes consistent effort for a person to see results; However, the non-surgical procedure improves skin texture, puffiness, pore size and line and wrinkles. \

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling (also called micropen, dermapen or Collagen Induction Therapy) uses an automated pen with sterile needles to create tiny punctures in the skin. These micro-injuries trigger the body to produce healthy, new, collagen-rich tissue and stimulate your body’s natural healing response.

During a microneedling session, the tiny needles cause trauma to the skin which encourages the body to produce a fresh layer.

What does microneedling treat?

Microneedling is most commonly used on the face and neck. It is used to treat scarring, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores and is even great prevention for breakouts.

While rolling needles over your skin may seem unsettling and bizarre procedure, it really makes a lot of sense. While other methods of collagen stimulators use chemicals, to create this effect, microneedling uses your skin’s own natural collagen to reduce the size of your pores and revive plumpness.

What is the procedure of Microneedling?

Firstly, the procedure begins with a topical anaesthetic being applied to the area. Secondly, the process of microneedling begins as many micro-injuries are created in the skin by using a micro derma roller to create small punctures of trauma in the skin. After the procedure is complete, a collagen serum is applied to enhance its reproduction.

The damage caused to the skin forces your body to send healing agents (elastin and collagen) to the injuries to amend them.

The new collagen and elastin that fills these micro-injuries makes your skin feel tighter and returns youthfulness.

How long will it take for me to see results after microneedling?

The best results of microneedling usually appear around six weeks after the treatment. Although in many cases, there are immediate results after having a microneedling facial. When you come out of the treatment you will notice redness and some swelling similar to a sunburn for 24-48 hours. However, you will be able to notice your skin feeling smoother and more radiant within a week or two.