What is Photorejuvenation Therapy?

Have you been noticing some unwanted lines, age spots and wrinkles appearing as you get older? Face-lifts are a highly invasive procedure that requires a large recovery period. If you shudder at the thought of going under the knife, you will want to hear about photorejuvenation therapy.

Fortunately today, there are many treatment options for tightening skin, evening skin tone and texture of aging skin that avoid the knife. One of the best solutions to this is photorejuvenation therapy.

So what is photorejuvenation?

 Photorejuvenation is a skin treatment that uses laser, intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to treat skin conditions, restore wrinkles, spots and uneven skin tone. 

IPL photorejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that is highly effective at treating broken capillaries, redness and rosacea and has zero downtime.

When should I consider photorejuvenation?

Aren't we all trying to slightly turn back the clock?  Photorejuvenation acts to reduce and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and make your skin radiate vibrancy.

While the process has many age-defying benefits, it is also designed to treat a range of skin conditions such as:

  • spider veins 

  • sun-damaged skin

  • redness

  • broken capillaries

  • enlarges pores

  • freckles

  • pigmentation

  • stretchmarks

If you experience any of the above, or just want to revive a youthful glow to your complexion, you are considered a great candidate for photorejuvenation.

How does Photorejuvenation work?

Simply put, photorejuvenation uses light technology to penetrate the target area. The light pulse effectively stimulates the skin’s healing process and gently uses the light energy to reduce pigmentation and uneven skin tone.

Depending on the area and reason you are seeking treatment, your qualified skin specialist will assess the intensity, strength and wavelength of the light pulse needed. 

The reason IPL light works on qualifying candidates is that the photorejuvenation light is attracted to dark pigmentation. Whether this is red pigmentation caused by capillaries or brown discolouration caused by scarring and age spots, the light is attracted to the dark melanin in the skin and absorbed by the target area. The heat of the light on the targeted area damages those dark cells with no impact on your surrounding skin. 

Photorejuvenation is also used to stimulate collagen production which when treated to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Once the light is absorbed to your skin, you will be left with rejuvenated skin with improved texture, pore size, firmness and youthful glow. 

Who does IPL photorejuvenation work best on?

IPL photorejuvenation has best results on light skin tones (skin with less melanin). If you have olive to dark skin should avoid IPL photorejuvenation because of your skin's naturally increased melanin levels. It is always best to seek professional advice first if you are not sure if you qualify for the treatment.

What comes next?

If you experience any of the skin conditions above and are looking for a safe, non-invasive and effective resolution - IPL light therapy is a great solution for you. The many benefits of photorejuvenation will not only enhance the appearance of your skin, but it will also give you a new boost of confidence knowing your skin is being looked after. If you’re looking for a trusted skincare professional, contact the team at Brigitte's Academie De Beaute in Five Dock who consistently provide clients with the latest and most up-to-date beauty and anti-ageing treatments.